Advanced search: the "find" tab

This part of the dialog lets you construct a query by combining multiple clauses of different types. Each entry field is configurable for the following modes:

  • All terms.

  • Any term.

  • None of the terms.

  • Phrase (exact terms in order within an adjustable window).

  • Proximity (terms in any order within an adjustable window).

  • Filename search.

Additional entry fields can be created by clicking the Add clause button.

When searching, the non-empty clauses will be combined either with an AND or an OR conjunction, depending on the choice made on the left (All clauses or Any clause).

Entries of all types except "Phrase" and "Near" accept a mix of single words and phrases enclosed in double quotes. Stemming and wildcard expansion will be performed as for simple search.

Phrase and Proximity searches

These two clauses look for a group of terms in specified relative positions. They differ in the sense that the order of input terms is significant for phrase searches, but not for proximity searches. The latter do not impose an order on the words. In both cases, an adjustable number (slack) of non-matched words may be accepted between the searched ones. For phrase searches, the default count is zero (exact match). For proximity searches it is ten (meaning that two search terms, would be matched if found within a window of twelve words).

Examples: a phrase search for quick fox with a slack of 0 will match quick fox but not quick brown fox. With a slack of 1 it will match the latter, but not fox quick. A proximity search for quick fox with the default slack will match the latter, and also a fox is a cunning and quick animal.

The slack can be adjusted with the counter to the left of the input area